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Have you ever wanted to time travel? There are many communities of reenactors using costumes as part of a process to experience, remember, and envoke bygone eras - think Civil War battles, Renaissance Festivals, Toga and Dickens Parties... well, Tie Dye can do that, too.  It doesn’t matter if you are interested in pre-historical African mud prints, 1,000 year old Japanese shibori techniques, or a 1968 spirals popularized by the American Hippie - you have stepped on the path of the time traveler through resist-dye techniques.


If I could go back in time and change one thing, it would be the url www.tiedyeguide.com Way back, that web address seemed like a great opportunity to share my thoughts on Tie Dye, right?  I’m sure you can guess the opportunities for spelling errors when passing out that address. “Tie Dye Guy?” So... that’s why we have www.tiedyeyogis.com - and it might not be much easier to spell, but it makes sense to people on the telephone. :) If you are looking for instructions, you may still visit the old website.  If you want to shop, the best bet is to head over to www.facebook.com/tiedyeyogis
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Tie Dye Yogis
